logo Our Mission is to promote the use
of GALvanized FANtastic steel products,
as a superior alternative to Conventional
hot-dipped zinc coatings for extrordinary
applications, worldwide.


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"Durability, appearance convince team to choose chain link woven from Galfan coated wire for airport perimeter fence"...

Galfan Interwire Paper. Given in the International Wire Show, in Atlanta, GA
May 13th - 18th, 2001

Markin Tubing completed and started running a second Galfan coating line
Dec, 2000.

The Process Metallurgy of Zink-Coated Steel Wire Galfan Bath Management
A Paper by Frank E. Goodwin, ILZOD and Roger N. Wright, Rensselaer Polytech

The Process Metallurgy of Zink-Coated Steel Wire Galfan Bath Management Graphics

Corrosion of Galfan in Soil and Concrete, Project #ZM-428, 2001 Progress Report
Corrosion Testing Laboratories, Febuary 2001

Phone: (330) 453-9136 Fax: (330) 453-6006

info@galfan.com www.galfan.com